lloopp for windowsXP & OSX
reqires max 4.5.6 or later
(lloopp needs max/msp installed.
the visual part of lloopp also needs jitter.
both packages can be downloaded as free runtime-versions.)
lloopp thankfully includes objects from following authors respectively collections (individual licenses are nested in the according help-folders):
bill orcutt,
nathan wolek,
olaf matthes,
peter elsea,
thomas grill,
tristan jehan,
ville pulkki
older versions of lloopp
subscribe to our lloopp list for update-information, bug reports and feedback.
(using this link here will open your mail-applicatione, with a
mail ready to send. you don't need to add any subject or body. subscriber information will come to
your mailbox soon after that.)
lloopp is a software written in max/msp, designed for live-improvising.
lloopp is freeware, open source, please note its copyleft.
lloopp is written by musicians who use this very software for their performances.
anybody who is into max-programming is invited to join in.
refer to the .help-section
for building new patches and use our lloopp list for communication.
any ideas are welcome as well.
there is a section on our site for updated parts. check it out frequently.
bugfixes to the current release will be placed there, as well as new patches. download
everthing there and follow the instructions in readmes.
in the folder screenshots you will find some examples
of lloopp-setups...
there is also a section on our site for outdated releases. check it out
less frequently.
have fun, speak up.
and/or do a donation: